April 30, 2014


Most people find breakfast the hardest meal of the day when Banting, and I'm no exception. When you're in a hurry, packing lunches, getting washing on the go, making the bed, it's really hard not to grab a quick slice of toast, or a yummy bowl of cereal packed with sugar. Stop, don't do it! I know it's been said so many times before, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. If you get enough fat for breakfast you should stay full for ages. You will maintain steady energy levels throughout the morning rather than the ups and downs of a cereal sugar rush.

One of the things I love to eat for breakfast is a really yummy nut 'granola' with berries and yoghurt. I've found The Real Meal Revolution's recipe to be fantastic. It's such a wonderful combination of crunch and cream, and it's a great quick brekkie when you don't feel like cooking. 

Remember to reach for the full cream plain yoghurt, as the low fat and fat free options usually have hidden sugars to make up for lost flavour. 

Of all the fruits, berries are the greatest option as they have the lowest carbs - blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, gooseberries, any berries you like! I keep a bag of frozen berries in the freezer for those emergencies when there are none in the shops. Defrost them overnight in the fridge.

Don't feel that you have to stick to these exact nuts. In Botswana it's not always easy to find all the nuts in the recipe so I mix and match as I please. I also add unsalted macadamias, and pecans are also a good choice. Avoid cashews as they contain higher carbs than the other nuts.


These frozen berries create the most amazing juices!
Serves 12 - 15

100g walnuts

100g sunflowers seeds

100g hazelnuts

100g almond flakes

3 tbs coconut oil (the coconut oil gives it a lovely flavour, but I have used olive oil before 
and it turned out just fine)

2 tsp ginger powder

2 tsp cinnamon

½ tsp nutmeg

Preheat the oven to 160°

Chop the nuts roughly and put them aside.

In a large frying pan, fry all the spices in the oil, then add the nuts and mix them up.

Place the nuts in an oven tray and bake them for 10 minutes. Keep a close eye on them to make sure they don't burn.

Cool the nut granola on paper towel and store in an airtight container


  1. This is one delicious recipe. I tried it and will be sharing it on the Flora Force Natural Remedy Facebook page during the week 1–5 December. I hope you are happy with that. This is what I have written:
    Banting Nut Granola
    We found a really delicious recipe for Banting nut granola at http://thebantinglife.blogspot.com/2014/04/nut-granola.html. Many thanks to the author, Sarah, who lives in Botswana.

  2. This is delicious. Just finished making it. Any way to work out how many carbs in each tablespoon?
