April 25, 2014

It's the real meal REVOLUTION!

So, I've just started reading The Real Meal Revolution. It's a book about how we should stop eating carbs and if we do we'll all lose heaps of weight and we'll feel more healthy and energised etc. etc. etc. (We've heard it all before right?) Well I'm always keen to try something new so I thought 'Why not?'. Clearly I forgot that sugar is a carbohydrate... What?! No sugar?! Not only no processed sugar, but also no fruit! Okay, I'm being a bit dramatic here. You can eat a certain amount of fruit, but it is limited. On the plus side there is a large amount of fat eating involved - bring on the streaky bacon and butter! 

Now, there are quite a lot of rules that you have to stick to, and I'm not always that great at abiding by the rules, but I'm just going to take one day at a time and, hopefully, I'll be low carbing it all the way to the skinny bank soon! I'm going to jot down some meal ideas over the next few weeks so that you can try get a little motivated, just in case you want to low-carb it with me. You can buy your copy of the book online at Kalahari.com, and I'm sure you can also get it at pretty much any reputable bookstore in South Africa. 

Wish me luck! xx


  1. Hi Sarah, I'm very interested to know - since this post in April, have you seen/felt a difference now that you're following Tim Noakes' Real Meal Revolution?


  2. Hi Anel,

    Yes I have felt a difference. The 1st month I lost two and a half kilograms with no exercise, and I definitely have more energy. The thing I noticed the most is that when I did cheat I was bloated for days and felt really uncomfortable.

    I hope that helps!
